Informes i estudis

Treball de recerca guanyador de la tercera edició del premi Europa Jove 2024

El projecte europeu i la seva necessitat de transformació

Tutor: Ignasi Permanyer

Escola Manyanet Sant Andreu 2023-24


La Unio? Europea s’ha transformat en el projecte poli?tic, cultural i econo?mic me?s significatiu de la histo?ria contempora?nia del continent europeu. Tot i aixo?, actualment s’enfronta a un mo?n en constant evolucio? que demana un canvi profund en les arrels del projecte. No so?n poques les veus que reclamen culminar amb el que, ells reclamen, l’objectiu final de la UE, una unio? federal. En les segu?ents pa?gines s’investigara? si aquesta opcio? e?s possible i realista, efectuant un repa?s a les actuals institucions comunita?ries i com aquestes han evolucionat. Es posara? en context la realitat federal, les seves propostes, els seus models a seguir i si e?s un cami? consensuat entre el poble i els poli?tics europeus. PARAULES CLAU: Unio? Europea, Federacio?, Futur, Evolucio?, Predisposicio?


The European Union has become one of a kind between the actual political, economic and social projects of history, it turns out as the greatest success in the contemporary history of the contienent. However, world geopolitics are changing, and they are doing it so faster than expected. In order to ensure the survival of the european project it’s essential to modify the organization roots. Many voices have suggested the transformation of the EU into a truly federal union, claming it as the ultimate objective envitioned by the Union’s founders. On the following pages answers will be given to these plans, analyzing the actual functioning of the organization, how it has changed over the years and how those federal projects would it work, using great federal successes given from history. But most important, it will be found out if a federal future is realistic, by exploring EU politicians and citizens opinion about the matter. KEY WORDS: European Union, Federation, Future, Evoultion, Predisposition
