
Dinner talk with Andrea Noferini: The agenda 2030 and the SDG

  • Since the SDGs were agreed in 2015, a public awareness process has been undertaken. In the coming years and until 2030, the year marked as the goal of achieving the various goals of the 17 SDGs, we must move beyond action to rhetoric.
  • One of the major developments of the SDGs is that they are addressed to all countries of the world, and do not make distinctions between developed and developing countries, as the Millennium Goals did. This is a real global agenda.
  • The achievement of the SDGs needs to be focused on multi-level governance, that is, involving administrations from different territorial levels and different actors (governments, private sector, citizenship, non-governmental organizations).
  • One of the main issues of the Sustainable Development Goals is that they are soft agreements, that is, non-binding.
  • The way in which governments implement them is from the citizens' assumption of the SDGs, and that they are required by the governments and political parties as part of their program.
  • The European Union can be a key institution in the implementation of the SDGs, because it can assume them as their own, make them binding on the Member States, and establish how they should be achieved through regulations. This task can also be undertaken from Catalonia, as we are leaders in many areas related to the SDGs.
  • SDG monitoring is currently focused on results, but it would be important to know their impact. This is why quality statistics are needed, which can be difficult to reach in certain places with limited resources.

Interesting links:

Sustainable Development Goals:


La Xarxa de Biblioteques de Barcelona and the ODS



XXIX Jornada Europea del CCME al Parlament de Catalunya: “El repte europeu de la sostenibilitat”
