
The FCE starts Agora, a project of thought and dialogue

The Catalunya Europa Foundation, together with the Casa dels Clàssics and the Institut Català Internacional per la Pau (ICIP) and with the collaboration of the Diputació de Girona, has started the Ágora project. It is a project that was born with the aim of enabling a meeting space between people with a diversity of ideological and political positions in order to promote constructive debate among them, improve the social and political climate of the country as well as strengthen the values civic and democratic.

The project foresees three annual meetings. The first of them was held on December 11, 2021 at the Masía de Can Calopa de Dalt, in which a group of 20 people participated. The meetings are aimed at facilitating contact and fostering relationships of trust within the group and over their differences of opinion. Relationships that are thus expected to last beyond the meetings and that have multiplying effects on the respective areas of influence of the people summoned.

