
The importance of regions in Europe

The Fundació Catalunya Europa, together with the Goethe Institut-Barcelona, have organized the first of a cycle of three debates to deal with themes of Maragall's thought and Europe, such as the role of the cities in Europe, the role of the regions and the enhancement of the projecte europeu davant les diferents crises.

The first col·loqui is going to be held on June 27 and will discuss the role of the regions in Europe with the following invitations:

  • Ulrike Guérot, Professor of European Politics at the University of Bonn and founder of the European Democracy Lab in Berlin.
  • Anna Terrón, General Director of the FIIAPP, MEP (1994-2004) and member of the EU Regions Committee (2004-2009).

The round table was moderated by Francesc Millan, head of International at the newspaper Ara, and took place in the auditorium of the Goethe Institut-Barcelona (Roger de Flor 224). The next debate of the cycle will be held in September.