
Café Europa: "Artificial intelligence: rights, limits and ethical principles".

The Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Horitzó Europa Association have organized on Friday 30 September a new online session of the Cafè Europa cycle to talk about artificial intelligence and the limits, risks and threats it represents for people's rights and the Freedom of expression. On what is the best regulation in accordance with ethical principles to protect the rights of citizens and put people at the center of new technologies.

As artificial intelligence has been integrated into our daily lives, it has become increasingly necessary to establish rules to regulate it. For this reason, the European Parliament is developing a legal framework that allows people to benefit from artificial intelligence, but reducing the risks to a minimum.

The following participated in the session:

  • Ibán Gracia del Blanco, MEP of the S&D group, speaker of the regulation prepared by the European Parliament and member of the Special Committee of the Eurochamber on artificial intelligence in the Digital Era (AIDA).
  • Cristina Colom, expert in technological humanism and director of Digital Future Society (2020-2022).

Faced with the challenges posed by new technologies, Ibán Garcia del Blanco has defended greater democratic control, since "our democracy and model of society is at stake. We must be aware of the great social and labor transformation that will involve the development of these technologies". For this reason, he has raised the need to "hold a great public debate, and regulate artificial intelligence to ensure the rights of citizens and freedom of expression, foster talent, democratic development, cyber security and the fight against fake news".

For her part, Cristina Colom has emphasized that Europe is being a pioneer in the regulation of artificial intelligence. A regulation that he believes is very necessary, since "new technologies represent great opportunities, but they can also bring great risks and threats against the right to privacy and freedom of expression", warned Colom. The expert in technological humanism has also called for new artificial intelligence technologies to be brought closer to people. "Citizen empowerment, a critical sense, more digital culture and more public-private collaboration are needed in the face of the challenges of artificial intelligence," explained Colom.

The Cafè Europa series of online debates are held on the last Friday of each month and are organized by the Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Horitzó Europa Association.