
Cities in Europe: the challenge of cooperation

The Catalunya Europa Foundation , together with the Goethe-Institut Barcelona ,  ??organized on Tuesday 25 October the second session of the cycle of debates to deal with issues of Maragall's thought and Europe such as the role of cities in Europe, the role of the regions and the strengthening of the European project in the face of the various crises.

This second session was entitled "Cities in Europe: the challenge of cooperation" with the participation of the following speakers:

  • Josep Vicent Boira , commissioner of the Spanish government for the Mediterranean Corridor, professor of geography at the University of Valencia and member of the advisory board of the Catalunya Europa Foundation.
  • Stefan Siedentop , scientific director of the Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development (ILS) and professor of urban development at TU Dortmund University.

The round table was moderated by Mireia Belil , geographer and curator of the Open Metropolis - Barcelona Tomorrow. 

Event within the Pasqual Maragall Legacy program