
Begins the second edition of the Ágora project to promote dialogue and democratic debate

El Puntal – Laboratorio de les Arts de Banyoles hosted the first session of the second edition of the Espai Àgora for democratic debate, which took place on Saturday 1 October during the morning and afternoon. Organized by the Catalunya Europa Foundation, with the support of La Casa dels Clàssics, the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) and the Diputació de Girona, and with the collaboration of the Lluís Coromina Foundation, the day has focused on the texts of the work La Ira de Seneca, and has encouraged reflection and debate on the individual, society and politics today. The meeting, which was attended by 20 people, was led by Pau Mas, director of the Catalunya Europa Foundation, Kristian Herbolzheimer, director of the ICIP, and Raül Garrigasait, president of La Casa dels Clàssics.

The Àgora space for democratic debate aims to develop a democratic political culture in Catalonia, through the promotion of dialogue, the improvement of the quality of public debate and the strengthening of civic values ??and skills citizenship policies. Born with the aim of enabling a meeting space between people with diverse ideological and political positions, the Àgora initiative has been promoted with the aim of promoting constructive debate, improving the social and political climate of the country and, in last resort, to strengthen citizen values ??and democracy.

The first day of Ágora mainly dealt with the individual and other relevant concepts such as society, freedom or politics, among others. During the next few months, two more sessions are scheduled to be held at the Espai Isern Dalmau in Barcelona, ??with the aim of continuing to reflect and debate on other topics such as coexistence, social ties, the nation and the state.

The first edition of the Àgora Space was held during three sessions between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 at the Center de Cutltura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB).

