
Café Europa: The rise of populism and the ultra-right in Europe: perspectives and remedies

The  Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Horitzó Europa  Association  have organized on Friday 28 October a new session of the Cafè Europa  online debate series   on the rise of populism and the extreme right in Europe following the recent elections in Italy and of the new government of Georgia Meloni, which has reopened the debate on the phenomenon of the growth of far-right parties and anti-European and xenophobic movements through populism and discourses against human rights, feminism, immigration and cultural diversity, social and religious.

In this session, they participated: 

  • Adam Majó , general director for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya and author of the book "Seven of evil. Deciphering fascism of the 21st century".
  • Anna Buj , correspondent in Italy and the Vatican for La Vanguardia and Rac1 since 2018. Previously, journalist of the international section, and member of the delegations of the EFE Agency in Barcelona and New York.

Moderator: Pau Mas, director of the Catalunya Europa Foundation.

 The Cafè Europa series of online debates  are held on the last Friday of each month and are organized by the Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Horitzó Europa Association.