
Els reptes del periodisme en una Europa en crisi

The Catalunya Europa Foundation, together with the Goethe-Institut Barcelonaorganized on Thursday 1 December the third session of the cycle of debates to address issues of Maragall and Europe’s thinking as the role of cities in Europe, the role of the regions and the strengthening of the European project in the face of the various crises.

Entitled "The challenges of journalism in a Europe in crisis", the debate was attended by:

Eliseo Oliveras. Journalist and analyst of the EU and NATO, and correspondent in Brussels (1995-2014) of El Periódico. European Journalism Award Salvador de Maradiaga (2003) and Ernest Udina Prize in the European Career (2014).
Martin Dahms, Spanish correspondent for the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau and the group Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). He has written the book "Spanien, ein Länderporträt" (Spain, Portrait of a country) published in 2011 by Christoph-Links-Verlag, and is co-author of "Vaya País. How come foreign press correspondents" (2007), edited by Werner Herzog and published by Aguilar.
The debate was moderated by:

  • Julia Macher, correspondent for the Weltreporter network for media such as Deutschlandfunk, Zeit Online and ARD.

The aim of the debate was to address the crises facing Europe from the perspective of journalism and the challenge of reporting responsibly in a context of change and great uncertainty in the future.

The session attempted to answer some questions about the role of journalists in this changing context. How do crises such as the war in Ukraine, the climate emergency, rising gas prices, rising inflation and the spectre of a recession in Europe influence the media narrative? What messages do the media convey to public opinion? How can they report rigorously and without falling into catastrophism or concealing the truth? How to combat fake news? How do you see the future of the European project?

Act within the program Pasqual Maragall Legacy.

With the collaboration of the City Council of Barcelona and the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the support of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Association Friends Goethe Institut Espanya.