
Dolors Camats Luis, new director of the Fundació Catalunya Europa

The Board of Trustees of the Fundación Catalunya Europa has unanimously chosen Dolors Camats Luis as the new Director General of the Foundation, at the meeting held on Wednesday 25 January 2023.

Dolors Camats, until now a member of the Executive Committee of the foundation, replaces Pau Mas Codina, who has developed this responsibility since February 17, 2020.

Dolors Camats (Barcelona, 1971) has been the director of entities in the field of social economy, cooperativism and the third sector, and has led international projects in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. She has been a deputy in the Parliament of Catalonia and parliamentary spokesperson, responsible for international cooperation in the Vives Network of universities, president of the National Youth Council of Catalonia, and has been a collaborator of the Council of Europe or the UB Foundation, among others. Until his appointment to the FCE he headed the COV, a housing and services cooperative in El Prat de Llobregat.

The Catalunya Europa Foundation was born in 2007 as a result of the pro-European vocation of Pasqual Maragall i Mira, its founder and honorary president.

The current president of the foundation is Airy Maragall Garrigosa, and the Executive Committee consists of Guillem Maragall Garrigosa (vice-president), Dolors Clavell, Oriol Nelo, Enric Marín Otto, Joaquim Coello, Josep Maria Vallès and Max Vives-Fierro ( secretary).

From the Foundation, we want to thank the work done by the director, Pau Mas, during a phase marked by the pandemic, maintaining the objectives of the entity, with the promotion of new projects in the field of dissemination of the European reality, the democratic debate and the challenges facing cities in the face of today’s major global challenges.

On the website of the Foundation, you can consult the rest of the organizational chart, formed by the members of the Board of Trustees and the members of the Advisory Council of the Foundation.
