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European Readings. Book recommendations on Europe


Los europeos. Orlando Figes. Editorial Taurus.A story that delves into the origins of European culture in the s. XIX through train trips that contributed to the emergence of a European canon of artistic, musical and literary works.

La historia de Rusia. Orlando Figes. Editorial Taurus.An indispensable work to understand the modern history of Russia, its myths and beliefs, the Putin regime and the conflicts with Ukraine, the United States and Europe.

Pensar el siglo XX. Tony Judt. Editorial Taurus. A posthumous work halfway between a history book and an ethics treatise on modern Western political ideas through conversations with his friend Timothy Snyder.

La idea d'Europa.George Steiner. Editorial Arcadia. A tour of European civilization and culture, through the conference that the author gave in Tilburg (Holland) within the framework of the Nexus Instituut in 2004.

El món d'ahir.Stefan Zweig. Cuadernos Crema. One of the most attractive and moving testimonies of our recent past, written with the mastery of a European who is steeped in civilization and nostalgic for a world that has been disintegrating by leaps and bounds.

Cuarentena. Petros Márkaris. Editorial Tusquets. A lucid vision of the crisis we are going through through through the cases of the mythical commissioner Kostas Jaritos and other texts of the Greek author on the pandemic, solidarity, isolation or hope.

Vida y destino. Vasili Grossman. Editorial Galaxia Gutemberg.
A masterpiece that manages to move and move with one of the bloodiest pages in history: the battle of Stalingrad between the Nazi army and the Soviet front.

Guerra i pau. Lev Tolstoi. Editorial Ediciones 62.One of the indisputable classics of universal literature, in which the great Russian author offers us a historical novel about the Russian aristocracy at the time of the Napoleonic Wars.

El diari d'Anne Frank.Debolsillo.A unique testimony about the horror and Nazi barbarism, and about the feelings and experiences of a thirteen year old Jewish girl imprisoned with her family to escape the Holocaust.

Els catalans als camps nazis. Montserrat Roig. Ediciones 62. 

A primordial work that reveals the heroic struggle of the Catalan Republican deportees who suffered in the Nazi camps, through fifty witnesses.

La dona silenciosa.Monika Zgustova. Cuadernos Crema. One of the most unique voices in contemporary European narrative tells the story of Sylva in the dramatic Prague subjected to Nazi invasion and Soviet barbarism.

Europa. 28 mujeres escriben sobre el futuro de EuropaHay Festival. Ed. Galaxia Gutemberg.Twenty-eight women from each EU country take a multidisciplinary look at the concerns of European citizens.

Forjadores de Europa. Julio Crespo MacLennan. Editorial Destino.

Un retrato de veinticuatro europeístas y euroescépticos (Churchill, De Gaulle, Adenauer, Thatcher o Gorbachov) desde la perspectiva de su aportación a la idea de Europa.

Los cinco padres de Europa. Antoni Coll. Editorial Milenio.

How the French Monnet and Schuman, the German Adenauer, the Belgian Spaak, and the Italian De Gasperi led their countries to the Treaty of Rome of 1957, the founding act of the present European Union.

La revolución alemana de 1918-1919. Sebastian Haffner. Inédita. The author reconstructs the events of November 1918 until March 1920 and also refutes old legends about the denial of the revolution.

Historia de un alemán. Sebastian Haffner. Editorial Destino. Memory of a vital and chronic itinerary of a generation and a country. A book essential to understand the rise and consolidation of the Nazi movement in Germany between 1914 and 1933.

Jo confesso. Jaume Cabre. Labutxaca. Novel of great quality around the universe of the little Adrià between old books and unconfessed secrets. The author reflects on the idea of evil in the history of humanity

Un afer europeu. Jordi Sebastià. Edicions 62. Between Brussels and Strasbourg, the protagonist of the novel delves into the sewers of politics and buried violence, starring relentless lobbyists.


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