Events, Awards and Grants

Activities to bring Europe closer to citizens and especially young people

Dialogue on European culture to commemorate Europe Day

The Catalunya Europa Foundation and the Molins de Rei City Council organise a series of activities to commemorate Europe Day, which is celebrated on 9 May, with a photographic exhibition, a workshop on Europe for young people and a dialogue on European culture, the values and diversity of Europe.

The main events will take place on Tuesday, 9 May, coinciding with the anniversary of the signing of the Schuman Declaration (1950) which marked the beginning of European political and economic integration. Thus, the El Molí Library of Molins de Rei (Plaza of October 1) will host, on Tuesday at 19h, a dialogue between the writer and translator, Carlota Gurt, and the writer and playwright, Jordi Coca, around culture, the identity and values that bind us to the 27 member states of the European Union.

Carlota Gurt is the author of books such as "Cabalgaremos toda la noche" (2020) or "Sola" (2022), and received the Mercè Rodoreda Award (2019). Jordi Coca has won several literary prizes, including the Documenta Prize, the Josep Pla Prize and the Sant Jordi Novel Prize. Much of his professional career has been linked to the Institut del Teatre and has published an extensive play, novel, poetry and youth narrative. His last book is the novel "The Last Day" (2022).

The photo exhibition "What is Europe for you?" , a compilation of the winning and finalist works of the "What is Europe for you?" aimed at ESO students, baccalaureate and training cycles of educational institutions in Catalonia and which has been promoted by the Fundación Catalunya Europa and the European Union.

Carlota Gurt is the author of books such as "Cabalgaremos toda la noche" (2020) or "Sola" (2022), and received the Mercè Rodoreda Award (2019). Jordi Coca has won several literary prizes, including the Documenta Prize, the Josep Pla Prize and the Sant Jordi Novel Prize. Much of his professional career has been linked to the Institut del Teatre and has published an extensive play, novel, poetry and youth narrative. His last book is the novel "The Last Day" (2022).

The photo exhibition "What is Europe for you?" , a compilation of the winning and finalist works of the "What is Europe for you?" aimed at ESO students, baccalaureate and training cycles of educational institutions in Catalonia and which has been promoted by the Fundación Catalunya Europa and the European Union.

Also in the framework of the celebration of Europe Day, on Tuesday 9 May, the mayor of Molins de Rei, Xavi Paz, and the Councillor for European Affairs, Alex Herrero, will read the manifesto of the Day of Europe in the square of the Villa in defense of the integration of the European Union in a moment of diverse crises that affect the European project in the context of the war in Ukraine.

All these different Europeanist activities are the result of the collaboration agreement signed on 23 March 2023 between the Molins de Rei City Council and the Catalunya Europa Foundation with the aim of promoting and bringing knowledge and reality of Europe closer to citizens and especially the youngest.

The first edition of the collaboration between the two was a success, since various cultural activities were held such as a classical music concert, a public reading of fragments of works by classical and contemporary European authors, a workshop on Europe for young people, a talk with experts in European politics and the photographic exhibition "What is Europe for you?" with the best works presented in the prize "What is Europe for you?" promoted by the Catalunya Europa Foundation.