Events, Awards and Grants

The winners of the second edition of the Young Europe Prize for baccalaureate work are already known

The student Ariadna Ferreres Boquera, from the Conde de Ríos Institute of Tarragona, is the winner of the second edition of the Europa Jove Prize organised by the Catalunya Europa Foundation and the European Commission Representation in Barcelona. His research work entitled Sustainable Economy: Shared Value as a Business Strategy has been better valued by the jury for the quality of research, depth of analysis and personal effort.

The jury also awarded two awards this year to the research work: An approximation to Brexit in Northern Ireland by Pol Morales Borràs of the Mercè Rodoreda Institute in Hospitalet de Llobregat; The extreme right 2.0. What is it? What influence does it have on society and how can it be combated? by Luis Martín Miguel of the Súnion School of Barcelona. In both cases, due to the interest and complexity of the subject.

Young Europe Prize

The Europa Jove Prize, organised by the Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona and the Catalunya Europa Foundation, is the first prize that distinguishes work by baccalaureate students on European topics with the aim of promoting knowledge, research and young people’s interest in the reality of the EU. In this second edition 51 works have been received from 43 centers. The author of the award-winning research will receive 700 euros and the opportunity to travel to Brussels to learn about the European institutions together with the two authors of the accésits.

The awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday 27 June at 18h at the headquarters of the European Commission Representation in Barcelona, Paseo de Gracia, 90. During the ceremony will also unveil the foundations of the Young Europe Prize course 2023-2024.