Fundació Catalunya Europa joins the manifesto against censorship in culture

Fundación Catalunya Europa supports the manifesto of culture professionals denouncing the return of censorship.

The manifesto is promoted by professionals and the main cultural institutions under the slogan #StopCensura in the face of the drip of cancellations that have been of theatrical performances and musical performances for partisan and political reasons of works, As Orlando’s version of Virginia Woolf in Valdemorillo (Madrid), the work Nua by Ann Perelló on eating disorders in the City of Palma, the role of The sea: vision of children who have never seen it by Xavier Bobés, in the municipality of Briviesca (Burgos) that reflects on the historical memory and the civil war, or even, of the family film of Pixar Lightyear, which the Councillor for Culture of Vox de Santa Cruz de Bezana (Cantabria) has withdrawn from the summer program because there is a kiss between two women.

In fact, the manifesto has been disseminated in four languages as an act of support for freedom and multilingualism in defence of culture.

In Catalonia, institutions such as the CCCB, the Teatro Libre, the Gran Teatro del Liceo, the Asociación de Actores y Directores Profesionales de Cataluña (AADPC), the Asociación de Empresas Teatrales de Cataluña (ADETCA), have joined the campaign (ADETCA), the Association of Catalan Language Writers (AELC), the Barnasants Festival and hundreds of artists and authors on a personal level.

Without culture there is no democracy.

#CulturaSinCensura  #StopCensura


Professionals in the world of culture want to denounce the return of censorship that is undermining freedom of expression, a right socially and democratically consolidated in our Constitution.

We demand the protection of our fundamental rights because without CULTURE there is no democracy.

Professionals in the world of culture want to denounce the return of censorship that is undermining freedom of expression, a right socially and democratically consolidated in our Constitution.

We demand the protection of our fundamental rights because without CULTURE there is no democracy.

Kulturaron munduko profesionalok salatu nahi dugu adierazpen-askatasunaren aurkako zentsuraren itzulera, gure Konstituzioan finkaturik doden eskubide sozial eta demokratikoen aurkakoa, hain zuzen.

Gure oinarrizko eskubideen babesa eskatzen dugu, KULTURARIK gabe ez dago demokraziarik eta.

Alas, and professionals in the world of culture, we sometimes want to denounce censorship, which is an attack on freedom of expression, a right that is socially and democratically consolidated in our Constitution.

Let us demand protection from two fundamental right nodes, because without CULTURE there is no democracy.