
Café Europa: "Europe's role in the 28th UN Climate Change COP"

A few days before the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, from 30 November to 12 December in Dubai, we are dedicating this session of the "Café Europa" online debate cycle to Europe’s role at this world summit.

We are at a key moment in the fight against global warming. It is seven years since the Paris Agreement, signed by almost 200 countries, set the limit of the increase in global temperature to 1.5 °C. A crucial objective to avoid the effects of climate change and which, according to experts, could be exceeded this decade, and not at the end of the century, as expected, if more drastic measures are not implemented.

Coinciding with the end of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU and with the horizon of the European elections of June 2024, we analyze Europe’s leadership to achieve a more ambitious climate agreement.

On this occasion, we spoke with two experts:

  • Laia Pinós, head of the European Commission’s United European Green Pact.
  • Maria Serra, climate activist, EU Climate Pact ambassador and co-founder of Fridays for Future Barcelona.

The director of the Fundació Catalunya Europa, Dolors Camats, was in charge of presenting the session moderated by the president of the Association Horizonte Europa, Albert Royo.

As for the literary recommendation of the bookshop Nollegiu on the subject dealt with in this session, the title chosen is "Inhabit the earth" by the French philosopher, thinker and anthropologist, and professor of the University of Sciences of Paris, Bruno Latour.

The book gathers conversations with the French journalist Nicolas Truong and invites us to reflect on ecology, technology, law, science or philosophy to advance together in new ways and make habitable the Earth. It is published by the publishing house Arcadia and can be found in Catalan and Spanish.

The cycle of online debates "Café Europa" is held on the last Friday of each month, with an informative character to bring European and international themes to the citizens.

You can recover this session of the cycle "Café Europa" in the YouTube channel of the Fundació Catalunya Europa and also in the podcast Café Europa of the Ivoox platform.