Meeting with the Minister for External Action and European Union, Meritxell Serret, to promote citizen participation

This Thursday, September 28, we met with the Minister of External Action and European Union of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Meritxell Serret, to explore ways of collaboration to promote citizen participation in European issues.

The director of the Fundació Catalunya Europa, Dolors Camats, explained some of the projects underway to promote participation and the dissemination of European reality: the #JoProposoUE campaign, the campaign "We build Europe from the municipality" aimed at Catalan municipalities, prizes and research grants for secondary school, baccalaureate and university degrees, or the 'Café Europa' dialogue series on current European issues such as the challenges of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council and European strategic autonomy.

Dolors Camats was "very pleased with the meeting, which should allow us to improve the impact of the voice of European cities and regions in the EU political process".

The councilor and the director of the Catalonia Europe Foundation shared the importance of participation in the next European elections scheduled in June 2024. A milestone that Europe faces with decisive debates for its future such as migration, the enlargement of the EU or the recognition of its diversity (with Catalan on the table), as well as energy autonomy, food sovereignty, technological dependence, and above all more political integration, which also means employment and taxation.

Photo: Department of External Action and European Union of the Generalitat of Catalonia.