Events, Awards and Grants

Pasqual Maragall Legacy Research Award 2022-2023

This Saturday, December 2, the ceremony of the Pasqual Maragall Research Awards 2022-2023 to the work "Women in the shadow of European construction was held. From Femmes pour el Europe|to the European Women’s Lobby" the journalist Julia Manresa Nogueras, in the category of "Best Final Work of degree or master".

The ceremony was held in an event open to the public with the presence of the members of the jury of the Awards, the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees and the Network of the Fundació Catalunya Europa, at the Lehmann Factory in Barcelona.

At the time of collecting the prize, the winner explained that she would like her work to be a stimulus for other research with a gender perspective to make visible the contribution of women to the European project and to make known their contribution still little known.

Award for research with a gender perspective.

The winning work corresponds to the final work of the Master in Contemporary History and Contemporary World at the University of Barcelona (UB) by Julia Manresa Nogueras, a journalist specializing in economics and information in the European Union, and currently works as a communication advisor at the Oxfam office in Brussels.

In the jury record it is considered that it is a work "that exceeds the academic requirement of a final study. It is a careful, well-founded and well-written text, which highlights among others, the search for sources, the approach to a topic with depth and methodology". The members of the jury also stressed that "the characteristics of the substance and form, the theme and the perspective it includes give a significant relevance to the whole text that deserves publication and dissemination".

The winner has received a budget of €1,000 as set out in the Category B awards. This year has been deserted category A for the 'Best unpublished essay work' that has an endowment of €4,000.

The aim of the Pasqual Maragall Research Awards is to distinguish the best TFG, TFM or unpublished academic works around two thematic areas: the city and Europe. Twenty-one papers were presented on topics such as the European Green Pact, renewable energy, urban policies, migration and the EU’s response to crises.

The prize is organized by the Fundació Catalunya Europa, within the framework of the Pasqual Maragall Legacy Programme, with the collaboration of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya, with the aim of promoting the thought and work of Pasqual Maragall and its validity and adaptation at the present time.

Julia Manresa, journalist specializing in European economics and information.

Júlia Manresa Nogueras (Despite Sea, 1992) is a journalism graduate from Pompeu Fabra University and her professional experience is mainly focused on the world of economic journalism. She began in the Economics section of Diario Ara and later became the economic and financial correspondent of this newspaper in Madrid. In 2018, he took over the Brussels correspondent, from where he reported on Brexit, the coronavirus pandemic or the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Subsequently, he has collaborated from Brussels with media such as El Economista or Euronet. Since 2022, she has been a media and communication consultant for the European office of the international organisation Oxfam. The work "Women in the shadow of European construction" is part of the studies of the Master in Contemporary History and Contemporary World at the University of Barcelona (UB).