
The Minister Dolors Bassa bet to reduce seasonality in tourism

Last Friday took place in the Estartit the dinner debate "Work and social affairs: a single axis in the Empordà", with the Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat, Dolors Bassa, and organized by the Delegation of the Foundation Catalonia Europe in the Empordà. The Councilor explained the general lines of her Ministry, one of the largest in the entire Government and with a greater weight in social policies. Their will is to advance policies for people in a transversal manner, in order to consolidate the welfare state in Catalonia. Regarding employment policies, Bassa opted to try to understand what the needs of each territory are, in order to improve employability and ensure the success of public policies along these lines. Regarding the Empordà, the Councilor emphasized the need to work to transform tourism into a tourism industry, to improve occupation and break with the major problems of this sector, such as seasonality or lack of training.

He bet on making the Empordà a reference territory in this area, strengthening its strengths and promoting the Empordà Brand. On the other hand it contributed some figures, emphasizing that the socioeconomic structure is similar in all the Empordà territory, although in the Alt Empordà the unemployment figures are higher.

After its presentation, the discussion and debate began with the rest of the attendees, who contributed their points of view and perspective from the local and technical world of the Empordà. The event was supported by the Weekly of the Alt Empordà and the Baix Empordà magazine.

Delegation of the Catalonia Europe Foundation in the Empordà