
Rencontres de Narbonne

On Saturday, October 24, we participated in a conference on models of territorial distribution in Narbonne: "Les 1ères recontres de Narbonne, Dessine-moi une région". The event was organized by three French think tanks - La compagnie Riquet, Montpellier 2020 and TPNA de Nîmes - and aimed at analyzing different aspects that affect the organization of the new great French region that should unite the Midi-Pyénées and the Languedoc Rousillon. The Institution Montaigne of Paris and the Social Economic Council of the Regional Environment of the Midi-Pyrénées also participated. The Catalonia Europe Foundation took part in the second round table, and the challenges that Catalonia has as a country within the future of the Euroregion and the European Union were raised.

The event was sponsored by the Communauté de la Grand Narbonne.


Europe  Euroregion