
From Self-determination to Shared Sovereignty: Objectives and Principles for Europe in the 21st Century

The Fundació Catalunya Europa, together with the Fundació Josep Irla, have organized the seminar "From Self-determination to Shared Sovereignty: Objectives and Principles for Europe in the 21st Century". The seminar, which included the participation of international academics and local experts, set out to define and update the terms of sovereignty and self-determination.

The seminar has had 4 parts addressing the goals and principles of self-determination, focusing on statehood, shared sovereignty and federalism in the EU and the right to self-determination and shared sovereignty. "We can not solve conflicts related to sovereignty if we do not rethink basic academic concepts and do so from a multidisciplinary perspective," said Simon Toubeau, one of the promoters of the event.

The second part of the seminar had a more legal perspective, focusing on establishing the principles of shared sovereignty in the legal order and specifically, focusing on the resolution of conflicts between domestic law and international law and regulation of demands for sovereignty shared in the EU.

The seminar included the participation, among others, of Michael Keating, Nicola McEwen, Jan Zielonka, Helder de Schutter, Ferran Requejo, Martin Scheinin, Xavier Arbos, Nicolas Levrat, Cristina Fasone, Elisenda Casanas and Cormac MacAmlaigh. It has been coordinated by Pere Almeda and Simon Toubeau.