
Book presentation "Barrio y crisis. Crisis económica, segregación urbana e innovación social en Cataluña".

The Fundació Catalunya Europa, together with the College of Architects of Figueres and Girona, are organizing the presentation of the book "Barrios y crisis. Economic crisis, urban segregation and social innovation in Catalonia" by Ismael Blanco, Quim Brugué and Oriol Nel·lo, co-authors of the book, who will present the work and will open a debate on urban segregation and social innovation in the counties of Girona, with special reference to the areas of Figueres and Girona.

The presentation will take place:

- Tuesday, December 18 at 6:00 PM at the COAC in Figueres

- Tuesday, December 18 at 9:00 p.m. at the COAC in Girona, in a dinner-party format. The price of the dinner is € 30.

If you want to attend one of the two acts, it is essential to confirm your attendance at info@catalunyaeuropa.net. In the case of dinner, the payment must be made in advance before December 14.


2018  Catalonia