
Presentation of the study by Toni Rodon on the relationship between segregation and social capital

"Quan el teu veí és diferent. La relació entre la segregació i el capital social" (When your neighbor is different. The relationship between segregation and social capital).  This is the title of the study that the researcher and professor at the Pompeu Fabra University, Toni Rodon, has prepared as winner of the Aid to Research Award "Llegat Pasqual Maragall" 2020, promoted by the Catalunya Europa Foundation, with the collaboration of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya within the framework of the "Llegat Pasqual Maragall" Programme, which aims to promote the thought and work of Pasqual Maragall, from a historical and contemporary perspective, around the challenges of cities and Europe.

Toni Rodon’s study is an academic contribution to the debate on segregation and its effects. What is the relationship between segregation, voting and political participation?  This is one of the starting points of the work that analyzes the impact of segregation by origin and income on different attitudes and behaviors associated with social capital, from the cases of Barcelona and Catalonia.

The analysis confirms that in Catalonia there is a negative relationship between segregation and social capital, which suggests that when drawing up public policies it is necessary to focus attention on how individuals are distributed throughout space.

The presentation of the book will take place on Tuesday 28 February at 18:30 at the Social Hub (c/Girona, 34) in Barcelona.

The event will begin with a brief presentation of the conclusions of the book by the author, and will continue with a colloquium moderated by the professor of Geography of the UAB and member of the FCE executive, Oriol Nel lo.

Speakers of the colloquium:

  • Maria Sisternas, director of the Institut Català del Sòl (INCASOL).
  • Ricard Gomà, director of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona (IERMB-UAB).

The event will close with a short aperitif, and with the delivery of copies of the book to all who wish.

To attend, you need to register at this LINK.

In this article, Toni Rodon makes an advance on the study funded by the Fundación Catalunya Europa.

Toni Rodon is a European Doctor of Political Science and Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Previously (2017-2019) he was a postdoctoral researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and at Stanford University (California, United States). He has also been a visiting student at Nuffield College (University of Oxford), the Institute for Social Change (University of Manchester) and the Juan March Foundation.

His research revolves around participation, political geography, comparative politics and political economy from a historical point of view. He is a regular contributor to the media and author of the podcasts El Pati Descobert and La segona volta de divulgación científica en ciencias sociales on Catalunya Ràdio.

In addition, 2022 won the premi de l'Institut d'Estudis de l'Autogovern (IEA) of the Generalitat de Catalunya for an article published in the British Journal of Political Science that relates the Civil War and support for the independence of Catalonia.