
Young Europe Award

The Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona and the Catalunya Europa Foundation announce the first edition of the "Young Europe Award" that recognizes research projects in high school on a European theme with the aim of promoting knowledge, research and the interest of young people in the reality of the EU. This is the first edition of the only award at the Catalan level that recognizes research projects on a European theme.

The award is open to all high school students from schools in Catalonia who have carried out a research project on any of the topics set out in the strategic agenda of the European Union (European Green Pact, digital Europe, the promotion of democracy European, etc.). In addition, all those searches for political, economic, scientific or social topics that address from a European perspective will also be admitted.

The award has an endowment of € 700 that will be awarded to a single winning work. However, the jury may make special mentions to the works it deems appropriate. The award also includes a training visit to European institutions in Brussels

The award ceremony will take place at the headquarters of the European Commission in Barcelona. The winning work will be published on the website of the Catalonia Europe Foundation.

The deadline for submission of works ends on May 2, 2022.

For more information, consult the bases

Europe  Young  Award