
Oscar Monterde wins research scolarship "Llegat Pasqual Maragall" with a proposal on international cooperation

"Cooperation for peace in the Mediterranean (Barcelona and Naples, 1991-2019)" was the winning research scolarship "Llegat Pasqual Maragall 2019". The proposal, presented by Òscar Monterde Mateo, doctor in contemporary history of The University of Barcelona, ??has been chosen from 20 candidatures that had been submitted to this year's Research Aid.

The jury, chaired by Dr. Eulalia Vintró and formed by vocals Drs. Oriol Nel·lo, Ricard Gomà and Enric Marín, Mireia Grau, on behalf of the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat de Catalunya and Marta Cruells, on behalf of the Barcelona City Council, valued "the thematic originality, the innovative and current interest and the methodological solidity of the project presented, as well as the academic solvency of the applicant ".

The jury, in addition, recommends to the direction of the Fundació Catalunya Europa, to value the projects "And why not? The return of the bicycle to Barcelona "by the research group headed by Santiago Gorostiza Langa and" Els socialistes catalans en la configuració de l'Espanya Democràtica (1982-2010) "by Jaume Muñoz Jofre, since they consider that they have a special interest in the objectives of the legacy Pasqual Maragall program. In this sense, the jury has proposed to commission a more detailed version of the research they propose.

This is the sixth edition of the Assistance to the Research Legacy Pasqual Maragall. The winner will have one year to develop the project presented to the research aids that has an economic endowment of € 8,500. In addition, the foundation agrees to work for the publication of the research.

In chronological order, the previous winners of the research aids were Marc Pradel, Mariona Tomàs, the group formed by Rosella Nicolini, Miquel Àngel Garcia López and José Luis Roig Sabaté and Javier Martínez-Cantó, winner of the latest edition .