
The documentary “Maragall i la Lluna” produced by Benecé and the Fundació Catalunya Europa, has been selected for the “Special Projections” section of the Valladolid International Film Week (SEMINCI), which takes place between 24 and 31 of October. "Maragall i la Lluna" can be seen on October 30. For more information, you can consult the official website of the SEMINCI. Guim Maragall Garrigosa, vice-president of the FCE and son of Pasqual Maragall, Pau Mas Codina, director of the Fundació Catalunya Europa, Lluna Pindado, narrator of the documentary and Xavier Atancé, producer of the feature film, attended this event.

"Maragall i la Lluna" is based on the experience of Lluna, who was 8 years old when in 1993, Pasqual Maragall, then mayor of Barcelona, moved for a week to his home to get in touch with the neighborhood of Roquetes, in the Nou Barris district. Twenty-five years later, Lluna begins a search from the memory of those days and manages to make an intimate and universal portrait, human, contradictory and vital, from conversations with relatives, acquaintances and politicians, witnesses of the human and political journey of Pasqual Maragall.