

Xavier Muñoz Pujol, former patron of the Fundació Catalunya Europa and personal friend of Diana Garrigosa Laspeñas, writes this text in memory of Diana, a year after the death of the former president of the Catalunya Europa Foundation.

When she died, "a fine air passed over things, like a fainting of roses."

We all cried. No one could have expected that unfortunate surprise. But the image that Diana left us was one of consistency, firmness, discretion, delicacy, fidelity, and hope. And that had crystallized in all of us.

Jealous of her freedom, she sought a place in the world, where privacy kept her company. Ferren in character, he set out with a will towards its fullness. Enthusiastic about computer science at the UAB, she found the project of her life: creativity, personal responsibility and a place on the scale of values. But first she had to choose. She had run into intangible love. An extraordinary man who required an extraordinary company.

Inevitably, by decree, Diana had to be a “complement” when her nature had made her the protagonist. In his path as a woman, mother and wife, a great utopia intervened in her service to the people. Which in practice meant assuming ideals, passions, inescapable problems. Irreplaceable presences, serious and banal confrontations of the policy in complicity with the protagonist, who often supposed an annoyance of his daily yearnings.

Driving at full speed towards Barcelona, sitting next to Pasqual, he confessed to me: "Diana should never have married me. I'm annoying her life." By that he meant that he knew the price she was paying for his company. The friends were calm, however, because Diana's enamored eyes never lowered their eyelids, not even in the hardest moments of a generous and strenuous coexistence.

Diana took care of her friends and when someone left, she watched over him until the last moment, discreetly. She loved those who approached her for what they were and not for what they represented. Shortly before she died she had told one of her best friends, "Now I'm calm. I leave things fixed." Undoubtedly, the Maragall foundations had been consolidated thanks to her. Pledge of love.