
Open Call for Research Aid "Llegat Pasqual Maragall 2021"

The Catalunya Europa Foundation with the support of the Barcelona City Council and the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat de Catalunya, announces the 8th edition of the "Llegat Pasqual Maragall" Research Aid. This research aid promotes and stimulates researchers to carry out studies on the main areas in which Maragall's thought and political action materialized, both in its historical dimension and in its current approach.

The aid is endowed with € 5,000 and the deadline for submitting proposals is September 15, 2021. People who have accredited experience in research in the field of social sciences and who are 40 years or less in the time of submitting the application.

The jury will assess as the main merit that it seeks projected has as its object the historical aspects or the current validity of the fields of thought and political action of Pasqual Maragall, and more specifically:

  • Scope City:
    • The social policies of local governments
    • Metropolitan governance in a European perspective
    • The role of cities in the definition and application of European policies
  • Scope of Europe:
    • Multilevel governance and subsidiarity in Spain and Europe
    • Social Europe
    • The European push for climate or digital transitions
    • Territorial cooperation in Europe

The application, as well as the final research document, can be submitted in Catalan, Spanish or English.

See the bases for more information. To apply for help, fill out the attached form and send it to