
It is evident that the new minister possesses the best qualifications and experience to strengthen Catalonia's economic leadership in Europe.

Clear objectives, defined responsibility, and an experienced minister, by Eulàlia Vintró.

In the framework of international relations, it is obvious that the European Union is the most important reference for Catalonia. However, it was not until 2016 that a ministry dedicated to foreign affairs was created, and in 2023, the European Union was added to the title. Over these eight years, the ministry has had four male ministers and two female ministers, none of whom have held the position for more than two years. It is not surprising, then, that it is difficult to recall the most relevant activities or the planned and achieved milestones. Nor were the individuals responsible particularly knowledgeable in international politics, except for the first minister and the most recent one.

The current Government of the Generalitat maintains the ministry with a significant title change, from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Union to Ministry of European Union and Foreign Affairs, and with the appointment of Jaume Duch as minister. He is a lawyer, university professor, and journalist who has held various positions in the European Parliament and lived in Brussels for thirty years.

The functions of the Ministry involve coordinating the Government's foreign action, external relations, and the Generalitat's engagement with the European Union. Therefore, it is clear that the new minister possesses the best qualifications and experience to carry out an activity that, over the years, has been severely diminished due to the political process and has prevented Catalonia from strengthening its economic leadership in a more federal Europe.

And this was proclaimed by the minister during his first personal appearance at the European Parliament on the occasion of a Diada event: “Catalonia must look forward, and this means anchoring Europe as a space of reference and belonging.... Catalonia must strengthen its economic leadership in Spain and the European Union and become a benchmark in generating prosperity.” He also emphasized the need to promote Catalan: “Catalan should be a language of normal use in institutions, following the example of what already happens in the Council of the European Union or in the Committee of the Regions.”

There are clear objectives, a well-defined responsibility, and an experienced minister. The actions of the Government, over the four years that correspond to it, must implement essential improvements in fundamental areas such as healthcare, education, and housing, to mention just a few of the most vulnerable at this time, and one can expect that foreign policy, especially that related to Europe, will be included in the positive balance. It is beneficial for Catalonia and for the European Union as well.

Eulàlia Vintró Castells is a Catalan politician and philologist. She has been a deputy in the Congress of Deputies, in the Parliament of Catalonia, and a councilor in the Barcelona City Council. She currently serves on the Advisory Council of the Catalunya Europa Foundation.

Photograph of Jaume Duch by José Luis Roca. Photograph of Eulàlia Vintró by Carla Step.