Fundació News

The research grant call Llegat Pasqual Maragall 2020 is now open

The Catalunya Europa Foundation, with the support of the Barcelona City Council and the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, announces the seventh edition of Llegat Pasqual Maragall Research Assistance. This research aid promotes and encourages researchers to carry out studies on the main areas in which the thinking and political action of Maragall materialized, both in its historical dimension and in its current approach.

The aid is endowed at € 5.000 and the deadline to submit proposals is October 21, 2020. Individual researchers or research groups can apply for this assistance. It is not necessary to have a PhD to applicate for this aid and, if it has been obtained, the principal investigator must have obtained it between 2010 and 2020.

The research project must have as its object the main areas in which the thinking and political action of Maragall materialized, both in its historical dimension and in its current approach, for example, in the field of city, in the field of democracy and federalism, in the Europe and Mediterranean area and in the field of political action.

See the bases for more information. To apply for the aid, the attached form must be completed and sent to