Oriol Bohigas

Interview with Oriol Bohigas and Guardiola (Barcelona, ??1925). Architect, Professor Emeritus at the UPC. He was a professor at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) since 1964 and in 1977 he was appointed director, a post he left in 1980 to become a delegate of the urban planning area of ??the Barcelona City Council ( with Narcís Serra as a Mayor) until 1984 (already with Mayor Maragall, since December 1982). From that moment on, he became city councilor of the City Council, from which he planned the large-scale urban development policy that allowed Barcelona to host the 1992 Summer Olympics. Finally, in 1991 he was appointed Councilor of Culture of the City Council of Barcelona a position that he held in 1994.

Interviewer: Josep Maria Muñoz
Duration: 27:04 min
Date: 5th Juin, 2014
Place: Saló de Cent, Barcelona's City Council
Production: Benecé Produccions
Language: catalan

Interview with Oriol Bohigas of the Llegat Pasqual Maragall Program is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


Collection of oral testimonies of people who have shared in different ways, parts of Pasqual Maragall's career.

This collection will be progressively expanded by incorporating new witnesses on a regular basis. The aim is to achieve a varied and complete vision of Catalan society at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century with the figure of Pasqual Maragall as a point of reference.

The interviews are recorded with audiovisual media, and have been carried out by José María Muñoz, director of L'Avenç. The versions available online are abbreviated versions. Whole interviews can be consulted for research purposes in the Maragall Archive by contacting the Foundation.