Reports and research

Paths of robotization: Robotization according to varieties of capitalism

This paper analyses what factors explain the degree of robotization and why the effects of robotization on the labour force differ so much from country to country. This paper bears witness to the fact that robots do not necessarily lead to job losses, and that differences in national context are very relevant to fully understand both the degree and the effects of robotization. Robotization does not lead per se to destruction of jobs, if that is the case, the root can be traced to the functioning of a particular system of political economy. In fact, this paper finds that robotization, due to its productivity enhancing benefits is a source for job stability in many advanced countries and helps in remaining internationally competitive.

This paper discusses 4 case-studies of robotization according to the main Varieties of Capitalism, it analyses what are the social outcomes of robotization in each one and I make some specific public policy recommendations


Economic Europe