Reports and research

Applications and interpretation of the results of the EU-SPI in Catalonia

Report drawn up in collaboration with the "la Caixa" Community Projects and the Diputació de Barcelona. The Social Progress Index (SPI) is a well-being index that serves as a contrast and complement to other indicators such as GDP per capita or the Human Development Index, as it evaluates the effectiveness with which success economic of a country is transformed into social progress. The study finds that the results of Catalonia in SPI are highly surprising. Although Catalonia was the sixty-eighth region richest in Europe in terms of GDP per capita in 2011 in the EU-SPI Catalonia occupied the position number 163. In this study of the Fundació Catalunya Europa, he wanted to deepen in This great divergence has located the four components that are most problematic for Catalan society and which require more urgent action.


Social Europe  SPI