Reports and research

Climate change in the Barcelona metropolitan area: towards a more sustainable and resilient model

The report "Climate change in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, towards a sustainable and resilient urban model" is an analysis of how climate change affects the metropolitan area of Barcelona and what is the state of adaptation and mitigation in relation to the climate emergency that is currently hitting us. The basis of the report is the conceptual framework of climate change indicators made up of the “Let’s tackle climate change” conference series and the research and internal debate of the Re-City team.

The data confirm that more compact urban systems are generally more sustainable, as they are associated with lower resource consumption such as electricity and more sustainable urban mobility on weekdays. On the other hand, the data also show that municipalities with a higher GDP per capita have a higher consumption of resources such as water and electricity. Finally, it is concluded that the municipalities with the highest gross disposable household income, consume more resources, both water and electricity, and use less active transport, but at the same time are the municipalities with the highest selective waste collection.

However, the conclusions of this report show that we are not on track to achieve the goals set at regional, national or European level in terms of reducing GHG emissions and energy consumption.

In order to reduce inter-municipal differences in the efficient management of resources, it would be necessary to have a comprehensive and integrated metropolitan model that would help improve the adaptive and climate change mitigation response of all the municipalities that make up the Barcelona metropolitan area. In addition, sufficient and reliable data are needed to provide empirical support for policies to address climate change. This would make it possible to identify in which areas coordinated metropolitan action is needed to be more efficient in responding, in which areas a redistribution of competencies and resources would be needed and in which part of the territory it is most necessary to intervene.


Climate change  Re-City  Re-Plan