
Pasqual Maragall: thought and action

Pasqual Maragall i Mira has had an active presence in political life in Barcelona, ??Catalonia and Spain for more than forty years. This irradiation has been projected as one of the contemporary Catalan figures of international relevance. Well known as some of their public performances and demonstrations, however, we still do not have a fairly complete evaluation that allows us to capture its figure in all its dimensions.

With the aim of publicizing the wealth of his thinking and his project, this book addresses a series of decisive axes in his career: political action as a tool for social change; the city and the territory as a space for public intervention; the vision of a projected Catalonia towards Spain and Europe; government policies as a product of a joint work; and the 1992 Olympic Games as a parable of a successful public experience. This review of the work and reflections of Maragall reveals the validity of his ideas.

The authors of the work, who have worked with Maragall at one of their political stages, are Jaume Badia, Jaume Bellmunt, Quim Brugué, Joan Fuster and Oriol Nel·lo. The work has been coordinated by Jaume Claret and can be found in bookstores.

Media coverage:

Article by M. Cuyàs at El Punt Avui

Interview to the authors at TV program Més324

Interview at the TV program Acció Política TV3

Report by Milagros Pérez Oliva at Quadern of El País

Article by Esther Vera at diari Ara 

Article by Neus Tomàs at El Periódico

- Article by Juan Cruz at El País